How would you describe the mission of this platform to a friend?

A Brief History

A few years ago, our CEO was doing his daily job, and suddenly an idea hit: to help those people who are facing problems on their website on a daily basis. Due to those issues, their online business was hampered, so our CEO took out his laptop and started working on this idea. After facing many challenges without anyone's support except his viewers, he was successfully able to help a lot of people through his videos and also through paid services. We had to face a lot of issues while helping our clients from all over the world, but with dedication and consistency, slowly but surely we are achieving our goal. According to our CEO, Mr. Aroop Sarkar, "Do something in life that you will contribute to society through your work even after you leave this world." .  

Mr. Aroop Sarkar




Where we are today

What has your team accomplished? What are you most proud of? Tell site viewers some of your project's latest accomplishments.

We resolved a lot of website issues within these two years, but due to some problems, we have temporarily shut down. But some of our team members are helping our YouTube viewers through email; as we already told our work speaks, many of our clients are solving their problems through our videos, and you can see their comments. We don't have many staff, but we have enough staff with a working capacity equal to a hundred. Currently we are helping people coming through email or through YouTube because the website was down due to some legal issues. As we have won the legal concern, we are back again and will make sure that we will continue our work better than before. As we already told you, we will make videos more so that you will get help directly from there without giving charges to any developer.

Hosting tuition is built by people, for people, and will go further by the love of people from every corner of the world <3